Saturday, September 6, 2008

6 Sep 08 - 沙灘上的海星


A father n son are strolling on a beach.The son is picking up the erroded pieces of seashells along the beach.
Suddenly,they saw something floating on the water.When the thing is washed up nearer to shore,they realise it's a beautiful starfish.
The son wades eagerly forward to pick it,but when he is close to it,he hesitates and returns to his father without picking the starfish up.Though puzzled,the father encourages him to pick it up again.
Again,the son wades eagerly forward to pick it,but when he is close to it,he hesitates and returns to his father without picking the starfish up.Frustrated,the father questioned the son on his strange behaviour..He is so close to the motionless beautiful starfish,he could have picked it up.
In reply,the son lifts his hands up and shows them to his father.His hands are so full of the broken seashells he has collected that he cannot hold the beautiful starfish anymore..

回家的途中女友們在聊"婚姻"..單身的我們在事業上可算是有些成就,下班後可以約朋友聊天逛街,甚至可以三五成群地約出國旅遊..這樣充實的生活,我們還渴望婚姻嗎? 或許唯一會使我們渴望男生的呵護是當我們病倒時吧..

真的是這樣嗎? 菁能像她們一樣地將單身生活看得如此灑脫,如此輕鬆嗎? 一向覺得自己是'大女人'的菁其實是個'小女人'嗎? 婚姻和夫妻間互相扶持的承諾在現代生活中已經失去意義了嗎? 還相信男女愛情,婚姻的菁可否算是傻女人呢?

就算當傻大姊,菁還是相信愛的奇蹟,相信神聖的婚姻.. 雖然他傷透菁的心,但他的出現也證明了菁的擇偶條件並不苛刻.. 也許時間還不對,也許他不是主要祝福菁的完美恩賜.. 但菁相信那位符合菁所有擇偶條件的他是存在的... 菁渴望那一天的來臨..

菁非常喜歡這首歌..Amazing Grace

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