Wednesday, December 10, 2008

10 Dec 08 - Matt C.

ok,people, my mind is so full today.. esp knowing there's a new reader in our midst. :) Welcome! (for a while, i was really bugged if i know him personally..)

frankly, i'm really so 'available' at work today. For the whole morning, i had such fun chat with my Australia colleague.. nothing official, just social chat.. he's totally funny and bold in speech.. he even attempted to provoke another department with his emails in such boldness, so direct!! I nearly laughed off my chair when i saw his flooding emails (i'm in the loop).. he's the best! though we have not met, but he's my worst and best internal client. i like him, for his straight-forward attitude and even his sarcastic humour.

don't get me wrong, i'm not encouraging sarcasm, but he really has his way and knows his stuff. we exchanged facebook contacts and i cant tell you how entertained i was by his facebook! i really had a hard time muffling my laughter at every of his updates... totally amusingly honest blunt comments!

bottom line? i really like working with him (though my team will tell you he's one of the worst people to work with) maybe cos i'm a difficult customer myself, hence.. birds of same feathers flock together.. hahaa


Doraemon said...


J said...

哈哈哈哈.. 可見你還真的是菁的'新'客..還得更深入了解菁哦..
你這麼一說,菁倒是更想認識你.. 'Curiosity kills the cat'

但菁更希望妳能親自體驗及享受天父的愛, 勇敢地把自己的故事說出來.. 說不定,你的分享會更觸動人心..
不要小看每一個小小的故事, 一切都是上天給予人們的學習機會.