Monday, December 15, 2008

15 Dec 08 - Having crush on someone?

What is it like to have a crush on someone..
That is such an old school question.. 'old' in a sense that the last time I used this phrase was way back in my secondary sch days.. That's old enough for me, ok?

Definition of crush: (n) Informal an infatuation

I guess it's like 'wanting to know more about this person' feeling? Maybe not to the extend that you'd desire to meet that person, but just want to keep informed?? Am I right? Feel free to comment cos this feeling is really so foreign / new to me now.. Then again, I'm not saying you who read my blog are having crush on me.. But.. just wonder.. how's it like to have a crush on someone? How do you know if you have good vibes about someone? How do you differentiate crush and friendship? What would you do in a crush?
(pls I’m not talking about car crAsh, ok)...

ok, people, stop speculating.. i'll let you know why i'm having this weird question when the time is ripe. Meanwhile, call me, sms me, leave comments.. whatever.. just enlighten me on this feeling..


Doraemon said...



J said...


抱歉,一直把你當成女生..以為只有女生會和我有類似的故事, 以為只有女生會有空上網聊心事..對不起..

話說回來,你的表達能力很好喔(男生的可貴).. 菁才不相信你會沒女朋友..往往是你的選擇吧..

友情与爱情.. 可是菁沒問愛情ㄚ..
喜歡一個人應該還沒到愛情的境界吧? 可是,你又怎麼知道這是喜歡而不是友情?? 愛情是喜歡的更深階段,不是嗎?

三者都须要有真心,诚意来维护, 但又怎麼區別這三者呢? 這真的難倒了菁..