Sunday, December 21, 2008

21 Dec 08 - I'm going Youth Service!!

My Father in Heaven is just SO AMAZING!!

1)confession: i'm running rather low on budget with all the gifts exchange gatherings .. (i've indeed overspent on some gifts)
just this morning, i was planning my budget and wondering how am i going to survive till my pay day (though it's just few days away).. by faith, i know God will forgive my poor expediture discipline; by faith i know God will provide (trust me, He has ALWAYS be able to provide in ways I cannot foresee..i seldom ve to worry abt being penniless :) thanks be to God!) True indeed- God came and proven He is the Provider!

after all the morning hectic for today's 冬至, my mum came into my room and blessed me! She just won lottery last night, hence wanna share her joy.. WOW! God is never late, always just-in-time, in His perfect timing! I was so happy! so happy to the extend that i just opened my mouth n praise God in front of my parents, and even explained the logic of God's blessings upon the family and everyone in the household! Of course, physical blessings come from my mum's hands when she gave me the note, but the whole affair of being blessed is all from God's hands! though i'm happy that my budget issue is taken care, but i'm more happy that i'm able to praise God and explain His love n blessings to my parents! How GREAT is our God!!

2) remember i told u abt my most lovable cousin who hoped i could accompany her to church Christmas celebration? well, last night she sms me that she might not be able to leave her house as they are busy preparing for 冬至.. ok, what can i say? I just have to keep trusting in God's timing..

later this morning, she sms again.. she really want to go and see how Christians celebrate Christmas in church!! WOW WOW!! I'm very encouraged by her!! I can understand how 'difficult' for her to go to church yet she has the interest and the initiative to want to go!! J,you are really of little faith to what God can do!

with the tight 45mins allowance for me to get my butt to Expo, i still have to go online to affirm the service timing.. only to realise she's invited to attend YOUTH service in FCBC (which is next hall to CHC!) Wah! I'm going to YOUTH service!! So exciting!! I really thank God for putting everything in place in His Plan! I'm so excited!! .. i gtg NOW! :)

Praise to God in the Highest!!


my knee really hurts,it;s blue-black now :( .. cos i knocked it against something when i was rushing to get out of house in 5mins! talk abt always be prepared to fly.. J really can do so.. of course with the right cause!


Doraemon said...



J said...

不知道你是否悟識到你的每個留言菁一定都回覆.. 雖然有些不能當天回覆,至少菁是不會讓那留言獨自孤單地留在本宮的部落格上.. 若不相信,就請你往之前的留言看看去..

看到了吧? 有些留言甚至還在等你的回覆呢.. 菁很少會對不相識的人如此情切喔..
你是多麼的榮幸幸福,不是嗎? :D

呵呵,你大可放心.. 菁應該不需減肥吧..你若沒看過菁,菁還可以算是'天生麗質',無須減肥.. 這點小傷還算是'家常便飯'..只不過..它真的很酸痛.. :(

Doraemon said...



J said...

什麼話! 一切尽在不言中?!?!
