hi doraemon
(gosh, this is really weird - writting a letter on my own blog!?!)
offline from this blog, there have been some commotion lately.. so many people have been asking me who are you and i'm left without word to reply.. even my lovable cousin is jumping in now to join the 'fun'.. i know you mentioned it does not matter who you are.. but we would really like to know more of you.. at least as a friend, normal friend?? (trust me, all my friends are curious about you - u just came out from nowhere!)..
how about introducing yourself on my blog? if it's of any comfort to you, at least we'll keep this friendship open online and will always know u as 'doraemon' whom we do not know in person.. i know you have your right to ignore this overwhelming request.. but hey, no harm knowing more friends, right? and spare them (us) the suspense.. i think they are checking my blog these days for you, instead for me.. sob sob.. (talk abt transfer of favour)..
personally, i'd prefer to have a open communication too.. i know you prefer to be invisible angel, but we are living in a real world.. by keeping all these suspense (regardless how caring you are), it kinda plants skepticism into people's minds, esp news of online entrapment is on the rise.. dont get me wrong, i'm not saying you are bad guy. on contrary, i feel u have a caring heart though we have not met..
but being a man, i strongly urge u to take a step of faith to be in the open, to be direct.. let our friendship be 'in the light' as we share each other's lives and experiences for those who read my blog.. that is the purpose of this blog, lol..
Gen 1:3-4
Let there be light, and there was light.. light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness
yours sincerely,
Monday, December 29, 2008
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這下可好..有更多親朋好友會來觀讀菁的部落格了.. 菁可以開始進軍"人氣網"了?? :P
羅 馬 書 14:19
所以, 我們務要追求和睦的事與彼此建立德行的事
好一個形容詞"貓"... 但哪個貓不吃魚? 菁相信那是"貓"的天性,所以.. 叮噹, 不要太節制自己, 一定要活出"真我"才對
嗯.. 雖然女生喜歡溫柔驚喜, 但浪漫爱情不是菁的擅長處.. 菁還是比較注重”經濟實惠””價廉物美”.. (哈哈.. 聽起來就好像菜市場的阿姨)
叮噹, 你的觀點真的有點… 奇怪.
為什麼相逢恨晚? 那麼菁的戀情應該是”相逢恨早”嗎? 所謂的”好男人”和”壞男人”的定義又是什麼? 菁這麼晚還未婚,是算是”壞女人”嗎? 看吧, 夠多疑點了吧…呵呵
可是, 你還算’有藥可救’..還知道自己是個’好好先生’,還好還好..
菁雖然與你不相識,但菁認為你真的是位不錯的男生.. 也許太挑剔吧? (別指著菁卻忘了自己的”苛刻”) 不知道你是否有興趣參加一些單身人士的活動? 相信你也閱讀過菁參加過這類活動, 你不妨試試看 – 擴大生活圈子.. 說不定,你的”真命天女”一直在那團體裡等著你的出現呢.. 快快去把她’救’出來!! :D
最後,菁祝福你在來臨的2009年能找到你的”真命天女”.. 有情人终成卷属
親愛的叮噹, 你不要只顧著給菁評語.. 開始寫寫你的故事, 寫寫你的想法吧? 踏出第一步, 讓新的一年有個新的嗜好..
一定要告訴菁你的'新家'!! 菁一定也盡量給你評語, 成為你“最忠实读者”。(哈哈.. 很熟悉吧?)
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