Monday, December 15, 2008

15 Dec 08 - God really 'speed things up'

ok, i know it's late and i shldnt be up so late with my bad cough..

but.. u know i always ve things to say after friend's wedding, right? morever,it's my BUDDY-ZW! The whole banquet was great, food is great n fresh too! I like Wendy's gowns.. very detailed and they really reflect her style. i'm so happy for ZW. We've known each other for 19yrs.. (man, that sounds OLD) he's like a half-brother to my family.. he looks so gentleman in his white suit today.. REAL NICE, bro!! Congratulations, Mr n Mrs Lee CW!

time flies.. or shall i say, God really 'speed things up' for me..
as just i tot i could just 'flow along' in cg as member, since i've only returned recently.. the news of multiplication came.. i was delegated to some tasks in all 'emergency' and.. now i find myself volunteering to help the new cgl.. trust me,it's nt easy to connect new cg members and to get things done in such short notice esp in transition period .. but i know i cannot let anyone fall thru the cracks of transition.. i know it's possible cos i've fallen before.. change is never easy, esp for young believers.. suddenly and assuredly, my 'vision' of being active in the new cell is becoming more vivid.. but..maybe i really hope to be 'just a member' now...


Doraemon said...




J said...

對不起,近日的菁蠻累的.. 所以只能用剩有的精力寫當日的感想就睡了.

謝謝小叮噹的關心 :) 本宮的鳳體已好了(真的感恩天主!)

讓菁想起一首歌.. 陌生的你成了心中的你.. 愛的確很奧妙. 等你找到你的意中人,菁也會祝賀你的. 放心!

其實菁近日在為這'責任'而煩.. :S 不知從何開始..